
Mittwoch |

26. October 2023

Watttron wins prestigious International DLG FoodTec Award

Freital (Germany), 26th October 2023

The DLG (German Agricult ural Society) has announced the winners of the International
FoodTec Award 2024. This 3 yearly event looked at 40 entrees from 8 countries. An international jury of recognised experts judged the entrees based on the level of innovation of the product as well as its significance for application in the market watttron was awarded the Gold Prize International FoodTec Award 2024 for their Digital
Sealing Solution for Sustainable and Efficient Dairy & Food Packaging! The Award ceremony will take place at the Anuga FoodTec 2024 in Cologne, where you can meet us at our own booth.

“We are delighted to see that our technology was awarded with the gold medal in this
internationally renowned contest.” says Marcus Stein, CEO of watttron GmbH. “The interest from the market has demonstrated that our digital sealing technology really contributes to the necessary transformation to sustainable mono materials. Both machine manufacturers and brand owners recognize the added value of this ground breaking technology. Thus, customers of Hermann Waldner GmbH from Wangen im Allgäu are already benefiting from this strategic cooperation in the dairy products sector.

The jury of international experts elected watttron to the gold medal winner, since with this revolutionary sealing system recyclable mono materials, biobased or already recycled materials can be processed safely, without loss of output or quality. This contributes significantly to a circular economy. Sustainability in combination with efficiency are critical when it comes to affordable packed products . This has been watttron s motivation since it started back in 2016.

watttron GmbH
Dresdner Str. 172c
01705 Freital

Telephone: +49 351 271 808 00

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